Awaken your energy this Summer Summer is here, and I love it! It’s my favourite season. I love the beach, the ocean, the sand, the sunshine, baring my skin, all the delicious summer vibes. The energy of the Summer Solstice, is beautiful, the sunlight relaxes and softens. It also shines light into all the dark […]
I am such a sensitive human. Anxiety feels like I have been picked up and shaken. This modern world is simply sometimes TOO MUCH for my poor nervous system. I know my limits, I know to keep life simple and easy. But sometimes I choose to do TOO MUCH. Last weekend I went out to […]
Connecting with the vibrational frequency of the Earth is called grounding.
My oasis, my garden, my sanctuary, 💚 I come home every night to this and wake up every day to this beautiful Coral tree, in Coral Avenue actually.
We planted this tree from a cutting 13 years ago, when my girl was just a babe, there was concrete everywhere and we ripped it all up to create our paradise.
Grounding is an important part of managing and transforming your energy. Bringing your energy back to center, to balance. grounding is when you can bring your focus back down to earth, to the important things. To presence.
Mother Earth is a powerful healer, spending time in her presence, at the beach, a garden, on the grass, or the forest. Bathing in her beauty, in her abundance, in her magnificence is cleansing and healing.
Energetically there is a thing that happens when we connect with nature, our energy starts matching her vibrational frequency. It brings it down, when we have been heightened with stress, or it lifts it up if we have been struggling to rise.
Spiritually and metaphorically her energy comforts, nourishes, and nurtures us. Allowing us to feel safe, in our bodies, and safe at home in the world. This grounding of energy is a like a strengthening of our being. Physically, mentally and spiritually.
Her magnificent beauty is sensuous, it teases our senses to curiosity, to take action, to be joyful, and adventurous! What do you do to ground, to feel safe? I’d love to hear your process.
The Chakra Connection
This deep energetic healing experience I held last Sunday was beautiful. We shared this day learning about chakras, energy, connection with self and the power of intention with 6 beautiful humans for 6 hours together. Resting in this space, being guided and held in deep meditation to release and cultivate energy.
I will definetely be holding this again, if you would like to learn more about yourself as an energetic being. It’s like a day retreat for you to take time and space for yourself with beautiful like minded people.
Register your interest with me by email [email protected] or 0430 860 448.
The Adelaide Reiki Festival
Held at Bindarra Reserve, Brighton Beach was such an amazing day, shared with the generous spirit of healers gifting their time and energy for FREE to the community. For those who cannot afford it, or wanted to try Reiki for the first time, or simply to be held in the beautiful energy this circle created on the day.
We had loads of people come by to try Reiki healing for the first time, so many comments of heartfelt gratitude for the energy and healing they experienced in the circle.
A gracious Thank You to all who came to Give and Recieve. Peace and Love, Toni 💛
Interestingly my kids were watching Young Sheldon yesterday and he had a dream that the no 1 and 0 were talking to him about the binary nature of life. Very much like the Taoist beliefs about living in harmony and the idea of opposite forces of yin and yang. Everything exists in life in a balance of opposites, light-dark, male-female, sun-moon, sky-earth, night-day, being-doing, winter-summer, order-chaos, etc. I loved it! Thanks Sheldon, as this is a part of my philosophy and beliefs in life.
This duality in life is what I know to be true, even though I sometimes rally against it. Against the truth that chaos is needed, that suffering exists, that violence, selfishness and hatred are a part of this world and help create a balance and harmony. Without one, we would not know the other, it sucks, but that’s reality. We need to accept it, or we rally forever in this push/pull motion between love and hate, fear and hope. Stuck in angst, conflict and needless suffering, trying to find meaning in it all, as we are prone to do.
I don’t think I’ve written about my spiritual journey before, of course I write about this topic everyday, I just haven’t offered it up as a whole life journey so far. It started when I was a teenager, our way of life just didn’t make sense or give me meaning, I needed more than Catholic Church on Sundays. I needed more than what our popular culture offered, buying the latest and greatest, cheap thrills, competitive sports or another activity to fill my days.
My soul yearned for more, for more meaning. I had to seek it out on my own, as I didn’t know this was what I was missing. I did however, love hanging out with my friends having D & M’s (deep and meaningful conversation) about life and death, I loved studying art and religion, things that gave me a sense of awe and wonder about the nature of reality and life itself. A philosopher at heart.
What I wanted to write about today was my spiritual journey, I started meditating and channeling as a teenager, it was powerful for my young, open mind. My search for meaning found ridiculous old religious dogma, it just didn’t resonate with me, we were living in a new age of scientific invention, technology and exploration, I needed more.
All I knew was that there was more to life than what we see, I felt it. (A true religious or spiritual experience right) I felt the energy of life, the earth, the stars, the people, I felt this invisible energy. Unsatisfied, I searched for meaning, I studied art and traditional chinese medicine, “feel the Chi flowing” they said. So next step, I learnt Reiki, I was BLOWN AWAY!
Learning how to feel and see energy was a trip, the most eye opening journey of my life. Confirming all the things I thought to be true, that there is more to life. That the inner journey is just as important as the outer one. It showed me a place of peace, truth and wisdom within. It took me on journeys of the spirit. To seek guidance. To connect deeply with myself. To create stillness within, and therefore without. That the mind is the body and the body is the mind, we are energy. That we are all connected by our energy. To find deep love for myself. To open my mind and my heart. To find balance and harmony. To free myself.
Reiki energy healing grounds me, it centers and balances me in my body, in my mind, I feel calm. It connects me to myself, deeply, I trust in myself anew and most importantly, I feel love for myself again.
If you’ve never tried Reiki, this Saturday is the perfect opportunity to try it for FREE. At the Adelaide Reiki Festival, 10am to 12pm Bindarra Reserve, Brighton Beach near the jetty. 15 Reiki healers, in a circle, a powerful space to be welcomed, sit and experience the healing power of Reiki for FREE. Bring a friend, a picnic and soak up the delicious energy of light workers and sound healers.
All are welcome.
If you already know the healing power of energy and intention or have worked with me before, I invite you to join me for The Chakra Connection.
Disconnected? Lack of energy? Want to connect with your spiritual self? Your energy?
I warmly welcome you to this 1 day deep energetic healing experience. Take the time to heal and reconnect with yourself on a deep, spiritual level. This is a small and intimate group to feel comfortable and supported in this healing environment. Limited to 10 spaces. Sunday 5th February 2023, 10am to 4pm, The Connection Centre, North Adelaide.
If you would like to know more about this extraordinary energetic experience, or feel you are ready for this, click on the link below. Tickets $150pp plus booking fee, organic healing herbal tea, vegetarian lunch and snacks provided.
This story wasn’t the end of my journey, only the beginning.
Peace and Love, Toni
A quick note to say ‘THANK YOU’ for being here, I am so grateful for you.
My intention this year is to work on GRATITUDE. I realised I haven’t been very grateful this year as I sat meditating on my intentions for the year ahead.
I complain way too much for my own liking. It is a problem for many of us that we are not grateful. If we spend out time only focusing on our own problems and not think about the suffering or happiness of others, we are in a state of imbalance. It is also a fine line to walk between making a good life for ourselves and doing too much for others.
Being a spiritual, energetic coach you would think I have this down pat. So What is it holding me back? Keeping me stuck? What do I need to let go of in order to move forward? First I ask myself, what is it I want?
I want to feel “Freedom, Peace and Love”. These things lift my spirits. So everything that is not bringing me this is making me cranky. My crankiness is A SIGN – I need to work on myself. There is some thing I need to let go of.
I need to let go of the attachment to my guilt, to my responsibility for others’ health and happiness, then clinging to my own disappointment and resentment when I don’t get what I need. What have I been gaining from holding onto these things?
That I am important? That life is meaningful when I am helping others?
In setting an intention to bring in GRATITUDE, I know that more good things will come my way. That’s how energy works, what you focus on, you attract. To feel gratitude for what I want, like I have it already.
Retrospectively, it has been a hard year for many of us doing this deep, soul healing work, but necessary to go through these dark times. Finding our way back to the light, to shed what is holding us back, no matter how much we are attached to it and don’t want to change, is for our own growth, our own peace and happiness. LET GO. Even if it’s just for a moment, What does it feel like to let the thing go?
In letting go of my guilt, my disappointment and resentment, I feel freedom, peace and love again.
So what is it you want more of this year? Set your intention.
Peace and Love, Toni xx