Heal your broken heart
Heal your broken heart. Let go of the pain of the past and move forward fearlessly!
This week I had a big moment, I finally let go of deep pain from my first love to heal my broken heart. I didn’t even realise the hurt, anger and resentment I held in my heart. Or the beliefs I had created about myself not being enough, and about men in particular. I had this weird belief that all men who were friendly and outgoing were cheaters. And only the quiet and gentle men, like my Dad, were trustworthy. Boy, what a belief I had about men in general!
Open your heart we say, but what does that mean?
Diving into the old memories, the wounds, to feel the feelings, to release the pain of the past. It means connecting with yourself on a deep energetic level. What some, including myself call a big moment on your spiritual journey.
Get to know your heart so intimately that you can accept and love yourself, opening yourself to unconditional love for self and then for others.
In doing the deep inner work, you release energy and make way for new energy to come in. To free yourself, to feel hope, wonder, awe, joy and love, to allow yourself to dream again.
If you didn’t hold the pain, how would you be free to feel?
What would letting go of the pain allow you to do differently in your life?
I am always healing, feeling into my mind and body, questioning what is holding me back from taking the aligned action and creating the life of my dreams.
Fear was coming up, a deep seated fear of rejection, a fear of speaking up, standing up, of being seen, of being truly heard.
I felt it in my throat, a raspiness in my voice. Ii was felt it in my heart, a shrinking back.
I recognised the thoughts in my mind, I am not good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough.
Our relationships with family, friends and partners are so important and so fragile. We either hold back or we say too much. Every day is a chance at a new beginning.
Choose love, my counsellor says. Are you choosing from love, and for love every day? Is there some unconscious fear driving you? I encourage you to become more conscious each time you make a decision, speak and even notice the thoughts, and reactions you are having.
What is the belief that has been ruling your roost?
What is it you believe to be true about yourself, others or the world? Read More about my coaching work here…. If you would like to go further with this conversation, I invite you for a free 45 minute introduction coaching session with me. Book here.
Is it time to let go of the pain of the past and move forward fearlessly?
Together, we’ll elevate your vibration, raise your consciousness, and align you with your highest potential.
Peace and Love, Toni xx