Peace, love and light this holiday season
I just took a week away with the family, that’s me in my happy place. We love to do this at the end of the school year to reconnect with life. To wind down after a busy year of doing. We slept in, lazed about in the sun, read, walked, fished, surfed, hunted for treasure, and cleansed our souls in nature.
As you know I am all about encouraging you to relax, of course, while still maintaining your passions, your daily and long term goals.
I am always working on myself, it has become a way of life.
To be more conscious, to be more aware of my thoughts and feelings. Always working on layers of emotion, thoughts and limiting beliefs, to live my best life, free to be me.
While I had downtime in the morning, I worked through a problem that was holding me back from being my true authentic self. A surprising block, I had fear and shame of speaking about my spirituality! WTF?
I realised the reason for this is because of my Catholic upbringing, school and Church every Sunday morning. The thing about it was I didn’t have a relationship with God or Spirit. The idea was lost on me, and every other Catholic I know actually. It felt more like dogma, a method to control the masses. I do understand it is important to have a standard of morals, values and judgements to maintain a cohesive society.
But who was communing with God? Not anyone I knew. The priests perhaps?
Do you feel the light and love of Spirit, in your heart and soul?
I never did until I found meditation and a beautiful connection to my inner spirit blossomed in me. I discovered meditation from my Yr 12 Religion teacher Mrs Jarrett; a beautiful soul sister to whom I am forever grateful.
So now my beautiful friends, I will be sharing about my spiritual journey more openly.
How my morning ritual helps me set the tone for the day.
I make a cup of tea, sit, breathe, say a prayer of gratitude and ask to be guided. I meditate, connect with my mind, body and spirit and allow myself to receive the beautiful light and love from Spirit, that is available to me, to all of us. 💛
The light and love that fills me up, feels like peace and surrender to a higher energy that moves through me. You may call it God, the Universe, Source, Great Spirit in the Sky. I call it my Inner Spirit. It is always there for me.
The eternal energy of Spirit. It helps me connect to loving energy and maintain my peace. Every morning there is an energy, a thought or emotion that shows up. My mentor Manna says you must cleanse your energy, like brushing your teeth in the morning. Maintaining peaceful energy is important when you’re a part of a human famliy right? 😜
The key to peace, love and growth is to connect deeply with yourself.
Wishing you a beautiful and joyful Christmas,
full of peace, love and light! Toni xx