Want to know how I call in confidence?

Simple, I follow my intuition, I trust myself and do what lights me up. That’s how I exude confidence.

I follow those internal nudges. Even when they nudge me to do something out of my comfort zone, like say ‘YES’ to running a live Emotional Freedom workshop at the Soulpath Expo coming up on October 20th at Ayers House. It’s a full day of wonderful speakers and stalls showcasing all things for the Soulful Path.

Believe in the power of synchronicity, follow those little nudges or feelings inside that show you the way. I am not talking about the fear mungering voice in my head, that likes to keep me stuck in my comfort zone. I am talking about the little light that drives my passion, that believes in me and offers me a path forward, so I can shine brighter.

Look back and see all the things you have done in the past and encourage yourself.

I am my own BF – best friend.

Talking to myself kindly, as I would talk to my own child. Because I am the child, and I am also the adult now, I am the parent of myself. I tell myself I can be and do anything I want in this life. I believe in myself and know my value.

Remembering a time when I was the most confident, I call that energy in.

Which means, I bring the memory of graduating high school clearly into the now. I see the picture playing like a reel, I feel the feelings, hear the sounds and allow myself to feel that feeling of confidence again. (If you don’t have a memory, imagine one up, see yourself doing the thing and imagine what it feels like, feel the feeling of confidence)

It is exciting, but there is an element of nervousness, and butterflies in my tummy. They get excited flapping around, they want to fly now, but there is a wait time in between now and then.

So I am present with the energy. I call it excitement rather than nervous energy to reframe the thought and feeling from fear to positivity.

I tell myself I am allowed to feel my feelings.

Breathe in life force energy. Breathe out tension.

I am excited for my life.

We all make mistakes, and even if I make one, it will be ok.

I am excited for my life.

Pump yourself up, listen to your favourite tunes. Move your body and feel the energy flowing through you. Prepare yourself.

I am excited for life.

If the worst thing happens and I die or embarrass myself, well that’s that then. It’ll be over.

I am excited for my life.

Let go of fear, and embrace the love you have for myself, for life in this body as you.

I let go of fear and embrace the love I have for this magnificent life here on Earth.

It is an adventure, I say Fuck off Fear, I can do what I want to do.

I say to Fear, you are not the boss of me, but thanks for looking out for me, I know how much you care about me.

Face the fear and do it anyway. What’s the worst that can happen really?

Confidence is here with me, she settles in. We learn to feel comfortable together. I know I am of value, and confidence believes in me too. She is rooting for me, my own little cheerleader, lighting the way.

I am excited for my life!


Would like to know more about a deep healing journey with me to create calm, confidence and connection to yourself? Transform stress, burnout, anxiety and emotional overwhelm. After going through my 8 week intensive, fully supported healing journey my clients typically experience:

Clarity of mind. Calmness in body. Confidence in choices. Connection to self.

If you would like to learn more about calling in confidence, book here for a free 45 minute introduction coaching session and find out what coaching with me is all about.

Peace and love, Toni xx