Full Moon energy to ignite and illuminate the light within!
Full Moon Light Meditation
It is the rediscovery of myself each day that can feel both a blessing and a curse at times. But the more I work with my energy, the easier it gets to identify my limitations, change my energetic state and resolve my problems. I am currently away on holidays with the family, hubby and 2 kids, 11 and 14, enjoying the intense energy of the full moon.
I tell you what, It is one thing to meditate alone in peace, feel full of gratitude and connected to the great spirit. It is quite another thing to be in the world, raising a family, running a house, (caravan in this instance), holding a job or a business, and have meaningful relationships. It can be overwhelming….
Each day has it’s challenges, not just one, but many. This is why it is so important to understand the nature of being human, so we can work with the tools we have.
Body. Mind. Spirit.
We can tune in, connect, listen and consciously make decisions. We can choose to think, feel, speak and act from a place of conscious awareness, we can respond, rather then react. It takes practice and patience for sure, especially in the confines of a car or a caravan, add to that the energy that the Full Moon light ignites and illuminates within each of us.
I have recorded a Full Moon Light Meditation just for you while I am away,
Click here to download and enjoy the uplifting journey.
On my travels, I have been revisting a book written about a healing modality I studied called Ultimate Consciousness. The book is called and describes ‘Quantum Consciousness’ by Peter Smith, and how it relates to healing work. Very simply for us the idea is that of the theory from Quantum Physics, known as the Observer Effect or the Creator Effect. Meaning that energy behaves differently when being observed, which is why in healing work, setting energetic intention is so important, and why we say
“Energy flows where thought goes”
“You create your own destiny”
These Ultimate Consciousness sessions, I call Spirit Journeys. Much like Hypnosis, except you are fully conscious and engaging with the facilitator. Unlike Hypnosis where we journey down to the unconscious mind, in these journeys we float up, and connect with your higher consciousness to heal and expand. There are two reasons we take this trip, 1 – to solve a problem and 2 – to connect with an Ultimate version of yourself. Both journeys allow you access to higher consciousness, where you can ask questions, explore, receive wisdom, guidance and have profound energetic healing.
‘“It’s our inner language that changes the atoms, electrons and photons of the outer world. It’s the language of emotion that speaks to the quantum forces of the universe.”
Gregg Braden, (The Divine Matrix 2007)
I love bringing the two realms of science and spirituality together, to help us heal, grow, raise our consciousness, and raise the vibration of humanity and the planet. Are you ready to meet an Ultimate version of yourself? Would you like to experience this kind of profound healing?
I love the mind bending ideas that open us up to the new paradigm of thought, healing and existence. The healing and evolution that is possible is life changing for everyone as the quantum effects ripple out into the universe. Until I see you out in the world,
Peace and Love, Toni xx