So you want more Joy in your life?

Life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time, does it? Invite joy in.

Sometimes we just feel low, tired, sad, or disconnected from life. Don’t worry you’re not alone. I often find myself feeling melancholy, blaming others for how my life is. It takes a strong mindset to lift yourself out of this state, but once we make the decision to to do something about it, it’s easy to shift. Invite joy into your life.

Start by talking to yourself as if you were your best friend

I know your feeling low today, I get it, we all feel low occasionally, it’s ok. Do you know why you are feeling low? If there is no specific reason, then you can tell yourself to get up and give something different a go.

Like my Mum always says “If nothing changes, nothing changes”.

We often say I just want to be happy. But what does being happy actually mean to you? Is it being content with what you have? Maybe it’s actually gratitude that you need to practice, and you can begin today by saying a prayer of thanks at every meal.

More joy you say? What does joy mean and how do you get it? Is it a feeling of openness and playfulness? If so, easy, simply take action! What do you do or have you done in the past, that gives you a feeling of joy? Do that thing?

It may be dancing, bowling, singing, painting, cycling, UNO, comedy, or playing silly games. Picture rolling on the floor with the kids or the dog laughing. Feeling the waves splashing on your feet. My hubby makes us all laugh when he talks in accents, he is so good at it. I must admit I love a good Essex accent.

Changing your energetic state doesn’t have to be a hard task, it can be as simple as making a silly face.

I am also here to help you move past the deep, heavy, painful, emotional work too, if you are ready to Free Your Inner Spirit.

Please reach out for a free 45 minute intro chat here, to learn about one-on-one coaching with me. Over 8 weeks, we do deep inner healing work, to identify, release and resolve triggers, emotions, beliefs and behaviours that are keeping you stuck. To help you create calm, confidence and connection to yourself.

To raise your consciousness and raise your vibration.

Love Toni xx