The journey of a Caterpillar to a Butterfly

The journey of the caterpillar to a butterfly is not lost on me.

It has been a major teacher in my life, especially in regards to doing the inner work. The inner work is all about looking within, at the inside part of us that resides in the dark, in the stillness and shadows.

Reflect on the caterpillar’s journey now.

It eats until it’s full, satiated, had enough and needs to rest. The grub takes solace in the chrysalis it built for itself, to cocoon and hide away. The death of the caterpillar is real, it is no longer a caterpillar.

When we have had enough and the fruit of life no longer satisfies us, we naturally turn inward, we seek solitude and rest. We ask questions, we look for answers, and we search for meaning. until we find something. If we reach for another thing to avoid the dark, something to pacify us, like drugs, work, sex, screens, or alcohol, we will keep reaching for it, for the dopamine hit.

Spiritual growth is what we need on the journey.

Hopefully, we find some answers, some tools, some new ways of living, and a soulful path we can take. A path to peace.

A path that heals and reconnects us to our true self. Inspires us to take action and move out of the dark, into the world again, into the light. Hopefully, we are lifted up on new wings, a new creature altogether. Like a butterfly, evolved, we can take flight.

I have learned time and time again that when my soul is tired and had enough, it’s ok to seek solitude and turn inward. It helps me grow to face my shadows, fear, anger, sadness and shame.

I can just BE all of me. The dark and the light side of me.

I don’t have to strive to achieve more, I can just be me.

No, I don’t have to try to be funny or kind, I can just be me.

I don’t have to hustle for more, I can just be me.

No, I don’t have to do everything I have been told to do – I can just be me.

I don’t have to struggle to find balance – I can just be me.

Flow has been something I have searched for, to just Be me.

In the end, it is always about being, not grinding, paving, running or digging. The feminine way is to simply be, and energy flows to you, like a river. This is the magic of flow, which resonates with the law of vibration and attraction. Just following my instincts, my intuition, what feels right.

What are you being guided to by your soul, your spirit?

Of course, it has taken me a while to get to this, a lesson in trust, and faith. Lessons in learning to let go of all the conditioned beliefs and expectations about how life should be. Beliefs like

“You need to work hard, be the best. You need to compete or be like them. You need to be kind and polite. To make more, do more, be more.”

That leads to self-beliefs like I am not enough, good enough, smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough, fast enough. Enough.

When we feel less than enough, our energy attracts that same thing. So what are you attracting? Do you need help identifying these energy blocks, changing your beliefs, letting go of past hurts, and creating new ways to be?

We need to unbecome who we have been, to become who we want to be. It’s simply a matter of reconnecting with who you are and aligning who you are with what you want.

Have you had enough? Are you ready to face your shadows, let go and just be?

Read more about my deep healing and coaching work here, you can book a free 45-minute session with me if you dare, here.

Peace and Love, Toni xx