A spirit journey to remember and a Heart opening meditation for you.

Have you had a Spirit Journey to remember?

My mind thinks differently, it always has. My life and work is a spirit journey.

I have been aware of how much I try to pass myself off as a traditional therapist, I want to fit in. It’s interesting when we notice our cracks—how funny they actually become. Imagine me trying to fit in, haha. I do, though, and when I do, it fails. I don’t fit in, I am certainly not mainstream. I am a spiritual healer and coach, and that makes me a bit different, and that’s okay.

I hear past words—the echoes of unspoken truths, the weight of what was said and unsaid.
See past bravado—the masks we wear, the shields we raise, the hidden fears beneath the surface.
I feel into your energy—the silent currents of your soul, the emotions unexpressed, the story your spirit longs to tell.

I connect with what lies beneath, beyond the distractions of the mind, into the essence of who you truly are.

I have a gift for you: Here is a beautiful 10-minute Heart-Opening Meditation! Listen here on my YouTube channel.

In this world of healing, there are themes and patterns that occur daily and weekly, sometimes I have 3 people in with a sore shoulder. This week it has been the Heart Chakra, for me, too. I have been working on opening my Heart Chakra with a friend and healer Amit from Toroidal Healing.

In the spirit of talking about spiritual healing. I wanted to share with you one of my powerful experiences with the Ultimate Consciousness process. This modality is similar to Hypnosis and guided meditation, but instead of going down into the unconscious mind, we are going up into your higher consciousness. Always amazing!

“I met Gaia as a version of myself, she took me down to earth to experience her earthly energy. The vibration so powerful, intense, steady, comforting, safe, I felt at home in the arms of my Great Mother Gaia.”

What a TRIP!!!

I then got to share and ‘download’ her energy vibration as she stepped into me, becoming me and I became her. One energy, one consciousness. Connected to all living things.

I have always felt a strong connection to the earth that has been slowly growing over the last few years. All living beings are a part of her and she a part of us, our Mother the Earth. Gaia, who gives us life, breath, food, water, shelter, clothing, beauty,  creation, healing, and conscious awareness. We exist because of her, our Mother.

In facilitating a spirit journey for others, I am there as a guide, as you seek the higher realms for yourself. You take a journey to seek guidance to transcend a problem. Or to meet a higher version of yourself and to call in the energy you need.

Take a Spirit Journey to;

Bring in the wisdom.

Call forth all of your energy.

Meet your ultimate self.

Seek a spirit guide.

Have a spiritual experience.

Free your inner spirit.

Life is not meant to be boring, or dull, or hard, or sufferable. We are meant to feel an amazing energy, see the magic, experience life to it’s fullest. Read more about

Spirit Journey to Ultimate Consciousness here.

Peace and love, Toni