Are you ready to dissolve fear?

Repetition to dissolve fear

While doing my morning meditation, I thought to remind you beautiful people that repetition is how we learn, it is how we overcome the things that we fear at first. Think of learning to ride a bike when you were a kid. The fear is strong in your body and your mind. But it looks like so much fun, you want to ride a bike so badly, and you are supported and encouraged by all the adults around you. They hold you until they see you can do it on your own, and they let go.

This is what it is like learning new skills right?

When we learn to meditate and turn our attention within, it is hard at first. Our mind is so busy, it is difficult to focus on one thing. It is often referred to as the monkey mind, our minds are made for thinking and analysing, and that is ok. The reason we meditate, is to learn to use our mind better, and make better choices.

Your mind is a powerful machine!

Meditation is simply focusing on one thing at a time, we call it, the meditation object. The object can be anything, the breath, the belly, the feeling of the air going in and out of your nose, a spot on the floor, a flower, a crystal, a candle, the clouds, the leaves, sound or music. When you notice your mind wandering off into thoughts – BOOM, that is the moment you have become awake, aware, and conscious of your thoughts.

Simply notice and observe the thought without falling into the story. Your thoughts can take you on a wild roller coaster ride if you let them. Acknowledge the thought and bring your awareness back to the meditation object. This is the practice of meditation, you are learning a new skill, just like learning to ride a bike, you will fall off and get back on.

Be the supportive adult, encouraging yourself.

While you are meditating, you are building your mind muscle. New neural pathways are being created in your brain. So next time you have a decision to make, your brain will have a new path to choose, rather than the same old pathway it knows and trusts. Our unconscious mind likes to keep us safe, that is the main function. So every time we feel threatened with new experiences we naturally shy away to avoid them, because we don’t know it is safe yet. We get ourselves into bad habits by repeating the same patterns of behaviour. Sometimes it is all you know, and you haven’t been taught a different way.

Each time we repeat the new thing we learnt, the fear dissolves a little bit more. Like riding a bike, your mind and body remember what to do and know it is safe.  I know some people struggle with the concept of stillness and you may feel overwhelmed at first. Relaxing and closing your eyes to face what’s inside can be a lot. All the thoughts and feelings, all the memories coming to the surface that we want to forget because they are so uncomfortable. But they are coming up to be resolved, so choosing to face them will allow you to release them and move forward.

If you choose to face the fear of your inner world, you will see that it’s not so bad. In fact you can be friends with yourself. The memories, thoughts and feelings are not who you are, and don’t have to mean anything about you, it is just an experience you are having. You are a spiritual being, having a human experience.

It is what you choose to do next that matters.

Meditation helps to build your mind muscle.

Meditation helps relax your mind and body.

Meditation helps you to respond rather than react.

Meditation helps you to see past emotions and negative thoughts.

Meditation helps you connect with yourself deep within.

Meditation helps you identify what you truly want in life.

Meditation is spending quality time with yourself.

Meditation helps you accept and love yourself.

If you would like to know more about a deep healing journey with me to create calm, confidence and connection to yourself, please reach out for a free 45 minute chat here. Transform stress, anxiety and emotional ovewhelm, healing childhood trauma, family and cultural conditioning. It is a path to emotional freedom and it feels so freaking good to be free to be yourself.

Peace and Love, Toni xx