5 ways to lean into the Spirit of Christmas
The true meaning of Christmas has gotten lost over the last century. With the invention of plastic, industry and technology has come an abundance of trinkets, toys and things, encouraging a throw away culture. Teaching us that things are disposable, and therefore not really important.
We have lost the original Spirit of Christmas, and in all that, some of us have forgotten the art of living too. Of ritual, ceremony and creating a meaningful life.
5 ways for creating a more meaningful Christmas.
Gift yourself the greatest gift of all, Love Yourself. Fill your own cup and that love will overflow out into the world. LOVE OPENS THE HEART AND FEAR CONTRACTS IT.
Gift of gratitude. When you are thankful for what you have, more goodness flows to you.
Gift of forgiveness is an understanding that everyone has their own journey of pain.
HURT PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE. When you allow yourself to let go of anger and resentment, it’s like letting go of heavy weight off your heart, and you create space for new light and love to flow into your life.
Gift of light. Jesus taught that we are children of God, whatever you perceive God to be. If God is light and love, you also are a light unto the world, and can be the light for others. YOU CAN CHOOSE LIGHT AND LOVE, OVER DARKNESS AND FEAR.
Gift of words, thoughts and actions. I am 100% sure that sending a meaningful message, card or helping out creates more goodwill and gratitude than a meaningless object. ENERGY FLOWS WHERE THOUGHT GOES.
I talk a lot about energy
In my course The Chakra Connection, i talk about how energy works and how we can use it to make our lives great. The teachings of ancient wisdom, quantum physics, and modern neuroscience tells us that
Meaning that the power of our thoughts, minds and intentions really do have power to influence and change our lives.
It’s important to keep clearing and releasing our past and setting clear intentions.
Connecting in with your energy, body, mind and soul is vital to healing yourself
Turning within to face our pain is how we let it go.
Meditating to quiet the mind creates peace.
When you know what you want and set your intention to be, do or have that, the energy of your unconscious and higher mind conspires to make it happen. That’s how energy works.
If this sounds like something you would like to learn about, and implement into your life, book in for The Chakra Connection, my 6 week online, group healing journey. We begin Monday 29th January at 6.30pm, for an hour each week for 6 weeks.
Peace and Love, Toni xx